[Groupe / Titre album / Label]
- The Haunted / One kill wonder / Earache Records
- Karybdis / Samsara / Beasting Records
- Todtgelichter / Rooms / Supreme Chaos Records (albums de la semaine)
- Votum / Ktonik / Inner Wound Recordings
- Valuatir / Exobnos / Armée de la Mort Productions
- Dragonheart / The battle sanctuary / Pitch Black Records
- Vipassi / Sunyata / Autoproduction
- Divinity / The immortalist Part 2 / Autoproduction
- Executer / The obscene ones / EBM Records
- Ultraviolence / Deflect the flow / Candlelight Records
- Mystrez (’80) / The indictment / Bad Taste Records
- Redeemer (’80) / The light is struck / Apocalypse Records
- Dan Death Wealean / fragmented consciousness / Metal Scrap Records
- Luna’s Call / Divinity / Autoproduction (albums de la semaine)
- Monolith / The mind’s horizon / Autoproduction
- Rhine / An outsider / Autoproduction
- Seventh / The herald / Sliptrick Records
- The Burning Dogma / No shores of hope / Sliptrick Records
- Pictures Of Pain / World demise / Pitch Black Records
- Entropia / Ufonaut / Autoproduction
- Mithridatic / Miserable miracle / Kaotoxin Records (albums de la semaine)
- Wicked Maraya / Lifetime in hell / Massacre Records
- Barbarian / Cult of the empty grave / Hells Headbangers Records
- Ferium / Behind the black eyes / Autoproduction
- Overunit Machine / Aldaraja / Sliptrick Records
- Onirik / Ab initio / The Spew Records
- Hemotoxin / Biological enslavement / Unspeakable Axe Records
- Evil Killer / Lethal assault / Overthink Metal Records
- Camel Of Doom / Terrestrial / Solitude Productions (albums de la semaine)
- Schizo / Rotten spiral / Punishment 18 Records
- Mortiis / The great deceiver / Omnipresence Productions
- NilExistence / Existence in revelation / Autoproduction
- Carnac / The frail sight / Sliptrick Records
- Demonstealer / This burden is mine / Transcending Obscurity Records
- Reptilian / Perennial void traverse / Edged Circle Productions
- Abyssus / Once entombed / Transcending Obscurity Records