[Groupe / Titre album / Label]
- Ancestral Volkhves / Perun do vas / Sound Age Productions
- Batushka / Litourgiya / Witching Hour Productions
- Milliard / Never stop the madness / Triple Kick Records
- Nekrasov / Negative temple / Autoproduction
- Eleventh Hour / Memory of a lifetime journey / Scarlet Records
- Sick Of Stupidity / One shot, one kill / Give Praise Records
- Once Was Never / Lighthouse on the abyss / Looking For Records
- Casket Robbery / Evolution of evil / Mortal Music
- Chaos Theory / Bio-death / Massacre Records
- Widower / The unholy oath / Autoproduction
- Heathen (’80) / Breaking the silence / Combat Records
- Hobb’s Angel Of Death (’80) / Hobb’s angel of death /Steamhammer Records
- Bloodiest / Bloodiest / Relapse Records
- Anger As Art / Ad mortem festinamus / Old School Metal Records
- Twins Crew / Veni vidi vici / Beyond The Storm Records
- Vostum / Ktonik / Inner Wound Records
- Sunburst / Fragments of creation / Inner Wound Records (albums de la semaine)
- Waken Eyes / Exodus / Ulterium Records
- The Casualties / Chaos sound / Season Of Mist
- Crimson Moonlight / Divin darkness / Endtime Productions
- Tragacanth / Anthology of the east / Loud Rage Music
- Nomad / Tetramorph / Witching Hour Productions
- Unhoped / Sonic violence / EBM Music
- Skaphe / Skaphe2 / I, Viodhanger Records
- Suspiral / Delve into the mysteries of transcendance / I, Viodhanger Records
- Dissvarth / between the light and the moon / I, Viodhanger Records
- Power From Hell / Devil’s whorehouse / Hells Headbangers Records
- Jack / Nevrozis / Give Praise Records
- The Erkonauts / I did something bad/ Kaotoxin Records
- Sinphobia / Awaken / Bakerteam Records
- Hemelbestomer/ Aether / Debemur Morti Productions
- Sarke / Bogefod / Indie Recordings
- Vredhammer / Violator / Indie Recordings (albums de la semaine)
- Mightiest / Sinisterra / Cyclone Empire Records
- Ere Altor / Blot, lit, taut / Cyclone Empire Records
- Pis & Bue / Forget the past, let’s worry about the future / Indie Recordings