[Groupe / Titre album / Label]
- Amon Amarth / Jomsviking / Metal Blade Records
- Enslaved / Riitiir / Nuclear Blast Records
- Space Monkey / The blackest hole / Autoproduction
- VHS / Fornicating in the furniture store/ Autoproduction
- Almanac / Tsar / Nuclear Blast Records
- Teloch / Thus darkness spoke / Saturnal Records
- Diagnosis / Sympathy for the disease / Db Metal Records
- Uttertomb / Sempiternal / War Anthem Records
- Artillery / Penalty by perception / Metal Blade Records
- Infrared / No peace / Autoproduction
- Détente (’80) / Recognize no authority / Metal Blade Records
- Drunkards (’80) / Drunkards / LM Records
- Wormed / Krighsu / Season Of Mist (Albums de la semaine)
- Rotten Sound / Abuse to suffer / Season Of Mist
- Winterhorde / Maestro / Vicisolum Records
- Crisix / From blue to black / Listenable Records (Albums de la semaine)
- Wyrd / Death of the sun / Moribund Records
- Grave Miasma / Endless pilgrimage / Sepulchral Voice Records
- Strangulate / Catacombs of decay / Transcending Obscurity Records
- Phobocosm / Bringer of drought / Dark Descent Records
- Cobalt / Slow forever / Profound Lore Records
- Messa / Belfry / Aural Music
- Syberia / Resiliency / Debemur Morti Production
- Scar Of The Sun / In flood / Scarlet Records
- Braindamage / The downfall / My Kingdom Music
- Weaksaw / The wretched of the earth / Lifeforce Records
- Exalter / Obituary for the living / Transcending Obscurity Records
- Darkestrah / Turan / Osmose Productions
- Mütterlein / Orphans of the black sun / Sundust Records (Albums de la semaine)
- Algoma & Chronobot / Split / Dead Beat Media
- Silent Images / Knightfall / Art Gates Records
- Heck / Instructions / Autoproduction
- Heretique / De non existensia dei / Via Nocturna Records
- Enthean / Priests of annihilation / Autoproduction
- D.A.M. / Flicker away / Grand Sounds Records
- Wolvserpent / Aporia kala unanta / Relapse Records